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Ukraine's list of red zone countries as per March 19, 2021.

Updated: Mar 26, 2021

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine published on March 19 a new list of countries in the "red" and "green" zone composed according to the new methodology. The used criterion for including a country on the red list is the excess of the incidence of COVID-19 from 354.5 cases per 100 thousand population and up over the past 14 days.

This figure was 239.6 cases on February 5. (an increase of 48% in the last 14 days)

As of March 19, a total of 40 countries were in the red zone (last week were 54).

The list of red-zone countries consists of over 40 states, including Andorra, Czech Republic, Israel, Montenegro, Belgium, Netherlands, Argentina, Bahrain, France, Great Britain, Spain, Iceland, Moldova, Armenia, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Slovakia, the United States, Slovenia, Malta, Romania, Ireland, Oman, Switzerland, etc.

The list of green-zone countries includes North Macedonia, Georgia, Libya, Brazil, Austria, Portugal, Hungary, Maldives, Poland, Croatia, Russia, Denmark, Italy, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Bulgaria, Albania, Sweden, India, Belarus, Mexico, Iran, Lithuania, Germany, Lithuania, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Greece, Estonia, Cyprus, Norway, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, etc.

The criterion to determine the List of Red and Green countries (bellow), according to the Ukrainian authorities, distinctly differs from CDC Travel Recommendations by Destination, where Ukraine is considered at the highest Level 4 of COVID-19 incidence.

READ Entry Rules to Ukraine - after the list.

This list official source

Entry rules to Ukraine

On March 22, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has adopted Resolution №230, which stipulated that to cross the border, foreigners and stateless persons must have a negative PCR test, made no later than 72 hours before crossing the border.

Remember that foreigners are still required to have a medical insurance policy, which covers the costs of observation and treatment COVID-19, and is valid for the entire stay in Ukraine.

In the absence of an insurance policy and/or negative PCR test, the State Border Guard Service will not allow a foreigner/stateless person to cross the state border.

A similar rule has been introduced for citizens of Ukraine: they need a negative PCR test, made no later than 48 hours before crossing the border. Otherwise, they will have to spend 14 days in self-isolation.


The Ministry of Health advises that the PCR document showing the results should:

  • Be in English (translation into Ukrainian is preferable, if possible - not obligatory)

  • State the sample collection time and the time when results were received

  • Specifically, mention the test type – PCR – polymerase chain reaction.

  • Show the full name, date of birth, and passport number of the traveler.

  • Include name, address, and contact details of the lab performing the test

  • Clearly state the result – COVID-19 Not detected or negative.

COVID-19 Testing

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