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Ukraine Quarantine Measures - What changes after Aug. 26

Updated: Jan 23, 2021

The information was updated on August 26

The government has extended adaptive quarantine in Ukraine until Oct. 31.

The regions will indicate the green, yellow, orange, or red level of danger of the spread of Covid-19, depending on the epidemic situation. Automated software based on algorithms and data will mark regions. The State Commission for Technogenic Safety and Emergencies will approve the data.

What changes for adaptive quarantine after 26.08?

Restrictive measures are additionally intensified in regions with a "green" level of epidemiological danger. 


  • work of discos, entertainment establishments, night clubs, public catering establishments with the organization of leisure; 

  • to hold concerts, except those organized by cultural institutions and for which concert activity during the last year is the main activity.

Local governments - will have access to the data of the electronic service "Action at Home." This is necessary to control persons subject to self-isolation or observation or violate quarantine rules.  

For the Unified State System of Civil Protection throughout Ukraine, the quarantine regime continues until October 31, 2020.

What is the reason for extending or canceling adaptive quarantine?

The regional commissions of the Technogenic Safety and the Emergency Situations may locally increase or decrease anti-epidemic restrictions.

From August 12, the approach to determining the level of morbidity is changing. 3 indicators will be taken into account: 

  • occupancy of hospital beds;

  • level of testing - not less than 24 tests per 100 thousand population during the last 7 days;

  • the level of new diseases should not exceed 40 cases per 100 thousand population within 14 days. 

Every 7 days, the commission will decide on the level of epidemiological danger. Decisions to reduce the danger level will be reviewed no earlier than 14 days (incubation period of the disease).

The government recommends changing the start-up schedules.

This will reduce the number of people crossing public transport during rush hour. At the local level, decisions on the transfer of working hours are made by oblast, region state administrations, and Kyiv City, together with local self-government bodies and business entities. 

Local executive bodies and other state bodies, local governments, enterprises, institutions, organizations, regardless of ownership, are recommended to provide flexible working hours, which provide for different start and end hours for employees. If possible, introduce remote work.

Businesses are also encouraged to adjust their work schedule for the quarantine period. Postpone the start of the working day to 10 or more hours for businesses operating in:

  • wholesale and retail trade; 

  • repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles;

  • postal and courier activities;

  • temporary accommodation and catering;

  • insurance activity;

  • education;

  • providing social assistance;

  • arts, sports, entertainment, and recreation.

For the period of quarantine, the working day begins:

- at 8 o'clock - in executive bodies, other state bodies, local governments; - at 10 o'clock - in the centers of administrative services, social protection bodies, territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of Ukraine.

Local governments are also recommended to develop or adjust public transport routes, taking into account the changed work schedules.

Control and responsibility

According to articles 44-3 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses, "Violation of the rules on quarantine of people," appropriate penalties are provided for violation of the quarantine conditions. 

  • Fine from 1 to 3 thousand non-taxable minimum national income (17-54 thousand UAH) or arrest for 6 months

  • Restriction or imprisonment for 3 years, if such actions have led or could lead to the disease's spread.

  • Imprisonment for a term of 5 to 8 years if the violation of the rules of observation resulted in death or other serious consequences for third parties 

How is observation different from self-isolation?

During the observation, the person will be in a hospital or other institution designated by the local authorities as an observer. With self-isolation, a person determines where he plans to stay for 14 days. * Persons who have reached 60 years of age are subject to self-isolation. 

What needs to be done for this?

  1. When crossing the border or CPVV, a person agrees to self-isolation.

  2. You need to download and register in the mobile electronic service "Act at home."

  3. Follow the instructions in the mobile application and follow the rules of self-isolation. 

If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to install the mobile application "Act at home," you will be taken to a place of mandatory observation.

Who can use the self-isolation app "Act at Home"?

  • People who enter Ukraine from abroad originally from a "red" country zone.

  • People entering from the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, Crimea, and Sevastopol's city through the CPVV.

Who will be observed?

Those people who have twice violated self-isolation conditions must be observed in places designated by local authorities.



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